I was bitten by the craft bug and have been constantly working on projects. Thankfully I have picked quick and easy projects I can work on after little man is asleep. Now I don't know about you but I have been obsessed with handbag decorations. My favorites are the fur poof(faux fur) and the tassel. Since I am not sure when I will get around to ordering the fur poof I settled for making a tassel.
I grabbed my handy dandy measuring tape, I have a billion of these since I was always misplacing them. Measured out where I would make my cuts. I drew a line across so that I would know when to stop cutting.
I didn't feel line drawing complete lines so i made little marks and then cut the strands.
Once I had cut all of the little strands I eyed it and decided that the top part was a bit too big. I didn't measure the length or width I just winged this project.
So once I had it to where I was happy with it, I just a piece of faux leather to make a loop. You can use other things for the loop it just happened to be what I had on hand.
I used tacky glue to first glue down the loop and put glue all along the part that would be rolled.
Next step is to roll starting on the side with the loop. Make sure when you roll that it is tight.
I secured it with duct tape but again this part you can change up to your liking. I was realizing that the glue needed time to set and dry but I didn't have time to hold it together so I decided to use some of the duct tape I had to keep it secure. I am so excited about the tassel I can't wait to put it on my bag!
Well my crafty friends I am off to search for my next project. It just may have something to do with sunglasses. Keep checking back for my next project!
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