For all of the moms out there this review is for you!!
As we all know being a mom of young little ones it is difficult to get a shower in every day. What with all the housework, taking care of the little one and if they are constantly moving around and never let you shower on your own this is an interesting product you may want to try out. For me I am lucky if I get to shower every three days. My hair routine has been shampoo and condition every other day. By day two of no washing my hair is looking pretty greasy and gross. So after researching glossybox and this batiste dry shampoo being in one of the past boxes, and stumbling across a 3 travel pack I decided to give it a go. I had my hair poofed so there is a bit more craziness going on.
After spraying the batiste and brushing my hair thoroughly.
First impressions: well I believe this dry shampoo is supposed to freshen up your hair in between washes it does appear less greasy. I did find there was a greyish hue when I first was brushing my hair. As this is only the second time I am using dry shampoo, and the first time was a complete disaster( it was by fructise I believe) this worked fairly well. It didn't feel weighted down with grease but when I touch my hair I end up with a gross feeling on my hands. Maybe this will go away after a few hours. I put my hair up because I don't want to deal with it today.
@11 right after sprayed and styled hair
So the weird feel to my hair was still there but it didn't look greasy.
At 3 am my hair feels normal, still doesn't look greasy.
Overall this product seems to work pretty well. I will continue to use it to see if I can get it to work well as others have stated. Till next time beauts, I am out.