So i'm sure many of you have seen the amazing posters that you can order on etsy. There are some very creative people out there, and I thank them so much for giving me the inspiration to make my own. While looking on pinterest I found an awesome chalkboard poster with stats. Of course the going rate for one of these ranged from $13-$30. For people who don't have the knowledge to make one I can say that the prices are reasonable. For me with knowledge in both photoshop and illustrator it definitely was something I knew I could recreate. So after a little google search for diy chalkboard print I found the background below. I honestly can't remember where I found it, but if you do a google search for it you will be able to easily find the background.
This project was one of the most time consuming projects I've done. I spent over seven hours just finding the fonts, and figuring out what I wanted to put on it. I adore the home is where the heart is posters but since we love two areas I had to show that.
Can't wait to print off this Seattle picture for my travel family room.
I created a cover for my photo book using a drop cap letter. I can't remember who I got the letter from but I'm so thankful because it is perfect.
My goal is to have a picture of every place we have traveled. I'll be working on a Hawaii picture soon enough.
So forgive me for the vagueness with this post. I had typed out an entire post and it didn't publish or save and I lost it. I am working on my little boys birthday invite.
Inspiration is everywhere all you have to so is open your eyes.
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